Olivia & Joe

October 4, 2024 • Glencoe, IL

Olivia & Joe

October 4, 2024 • Glencoe, IL

Our Story

From Bones to Bride...

Her Side of the Story

It all began with a text from Clara (See: Bridesmaids) the first weekend of senior year at Miami. It read, "Hey, I'm going to Bones on Friday. Wanna come? You can go with this random guy, Joe Patton." Not one to ever miss a themed frat party, I told her to just put me on the list next to this guy Joe's name. I didn't need an actual date. Whatever.

While cutting a cheetah print fabric to tie into a shirt (did I mention this was a caveman themed frat party?), I got a call from an unknown number. One thing about me: I never answer unknown numbers. But for some reason, I answered this unknown number. And it was Joe. He decided to call me to make some plans for the night, and I immediately swooned over the sound of his voice. (I'd continue to swoon over his manly, gruff voice, but let me go on.)

He told me he was going all out for the party, and could expect him to look like Jesus with a wig and long beard clipped on. He could've walked on water that night and I wouldn't have noticed, because I was immediately envisioning the rest of our lives together.

Although that vision didn't go quite as I planned, with 1.5 years of long distance after college and then MOVING to OHIO for another 2, it just wouldn't be us without all the twists and turns it took to get here.

Words of wisdom: Go on the blind date. Answer the call. Take the leap and move to Ohio (or, you know, Hawaii or Paris). You'll never know that the man swinging a club over his head, decked out in a wig and Chacos, could turn out to be the caveman of your dreams.

Actual photo of the night we met at Fiji Bones, September 1, 2017.

His Side of the Story

Unlike my talented, beautiful and smart future-wife, Olivia Murphy, I do not have the same way with words (does anyone?). So I’ll keep this short. When I think of our relationship and "Our Story," I selfishly think about myself, in the sense of what Olivia means to me.

Before I got down on one knee, I was still just a boy. With Olivia by my side, I'm a man. A man that can overcome anything, achieve his goals, and conquer any adversity that lies ahead. Every man needs a strong, loving wife, and I have definitely found mine. Let's do this!